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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

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Penguin 2.0 - The Cleaner

It was the afternoon of May 22, 2013 and about 2.3% of English-US search queries were affected. Sites those appeared in the fourth or fifth pages showed up in the first. Those at first were pushed back. The changes were apparent even to the common users. Yes, Google penguin 2.0 has been rolled out and the effect of which could easily be noticed even by a common user.
Whom did penguin 2.0 actually affect? And to which degree? The answers were quite vague and it required in-depth knowledge about what the update is all about. One thing was very clear. Google wanted to be user friendly. It didn't want rubbish websites with unworthy content to appear on top of SERPs. The following things became prominent.
1. Anchor text
2. Relevancy
3. Authority
4. Link velocity
5. Social metrics
6. Traffic from links

Taking into account that Google gives high priority to anchor texts, if you stuff your anchor text with keywords, you are sure to be penalized by this penguin 2.0. Also the links should always lead to relevant information. A link from Automobile page pointing to a shoe retailer is considered as spam. To get well noticed by Google some kind of authority is required. This can be achieved by having a good author rank by being active in social media sites, especially Google+. The number of quality backlinks you have, defines how good and popular you are. Penguin 2.0 can look not only the links to your homepage, but also the deep links that point to any of your webpages. So good number of quality links assure good rating in SERPs. Be sure not to buy links, or you will be penalized.
This version encouraged even small businesses that aimed at short-term profits but had quality content and ethical links. The latest update focuses on a few different areas of Webspam which includes:
Authority: A site that has no authority which is featured by absence of social ranking, rich snippets, and Google+ activity will as a matter of fact earn a down rank in the search engine. One of the best ways to become an authority is through the use of Author Rank.
Anchor Text: The sites that have anchor texts that are rich in Keyword and are used time and again are obviously prone to being detected and ranked low thereafter.
Advertorials: Interesting as it may sound, these are places that would clearly show up whether the links were sold or it was all earned up.
Are you worried that your competitors are spamming you by sudden influx of low quality links? Feel free to use the Disavow tool.Are you not aware of how to use it? Follow the step by step instruction given here.
To know how much the Penguin 2.0 update has affected the users, View the pollconducted by SubmitINme.
To know more about SEO and news regarding Google updates visit


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